
Job Market Paper:

pdf Version. Also on SSRN. - Updated! (July 12, 2024)


First Version. pdf Version. Also on arXiv. - Updated! (July 10, 2023)

Political Analysis, Forthcoming

Working Papers:

Publications in Other Disciplines (Medical Statistics as a Data Analyst):

Published Version.

Sleep and Biological Rhythms, June 2024, 

Published Version.

Sleep Medicine, April 2022, 92, pp.73-80

Published Version.

Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, May 2021, 75(8), pp.244-249

Published Version.

Sleep Health, June 2020, 6(3), pp.288-298

Published Version.

International Journal of Productivity Management and Assessment Techonolgies, July 2018, 6(2), pp.19-38

Published Version. 

Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce, July 2021, Ch 16, pp.252-274